Chemical industry, production of household chemicals

Chemical production is unique. It is distinguished from other branches of process production by a huge range of inventory items (TMC) subject to accounting - tolling raw materials, catalysts, semi-finished products, overalls, and production equipment. Individual goods and materials and groups of goods and materials have a number of specific characteristics; in the production process, different batches of raw materials are mixed, while the internal movements of goods and materials must be taken into account in different units of measurement.

Of course, business solutions designed for project production will not be able to meet the accounting and management needs of a chemical enterprise. Designed for the chemical industry, Microsoft Dynamics solutions are tailored for both process and blended manufacturing to provide your chemical company with:

• control of stocks, production schedules, energy consumption;

• compliance with regulatory requirements;

• production planning in accordance with demand forecasts;

• transparency of the production process and logistics;

• quality control.